hahnenkamm race poster contest

The Hahnenkamm race is a World cup Alpine ski competition that takes place every year in the Kitzbühel Alps of Austria. I participated in the open poster competition for the 2023 edition with the three following designs. A total of 1024 poster designs were presented. Although my designs weren't selected for the final winning poster, I decided to share them with you anyway :)

Design 1

In this design, the rooster is presented as a looming figure almost like a guardian opposing resistance (representing the obstacles or the difficulty of the downhill) to the brave skiers that dare to slide down the slope of its crest. I found interesting to merge the idea of the rooster as a character and the idea of the rooster as a landscape, presenting the environment as a "personification" of the rooster, almost like representing the race as a "battle" between the skier and the scenery.

Design 2

This is another version of design number 1 but instead of presenting the rooster as an obstacle to be fought or overcome it's presented just as a peaceful but imponent part of the scenery. The skier and the scenery just coexist and respect each other. For this design, I read the chronicles of the hahnenkamm races and saw that the first race dates back from 1931, so I opted for a look that evokes an old-time and I tried to give a more classical and vintage aura, by creating sharper shadows and adding grainy textures.

Design 3

This design is a step further than the two previous designs. In this case, the skier, the downhill/mountain, and the rooster it's all merged down into one single character. The three lines (the red, blue, and yellow) represent not just the physical trail that leaves the skier during the descend but also represent these three elements above mentioned (the skier, the downhill, and the rooster) all merging into one single figure.